The OWLS (Older Wiser Living Successfully), Senior Adult Ministry of First Baptist Church exists to help provide direction and support for the spiritual, emotional, social and physical well-being of our senior members. The Senior Adult Ministry offers many opportunities for anyone 55 years of age or older who is working or retired---able or disabled---married or single---rich or poor, to be strengthened and encouraged every day in their walk with God. Our Senior Adult Ministry is designed to serve the needs of the senior adult members of First Baptist Church. We want to ensure that no one is lost or forgotten.
Members and visitors are welcome to enjoy our monthly day trips and/or occasional overnight trips to fun and interesting places.
Our Senior Adults also play a vital role in the life and ministry of First Baptist Church. Some serve as deacons, while others visit the sick and home bound members. They also volunteer helping the office prepare bulletins, mailings and other literature. Some teach Sunday School. Some aid with worship services such as being an usher, play instruments or sing in the choir. Some do specific ministries under the guidance of the church Missions Ministry (click on the missions tab of this website). Others are busy making phone calls, writing notes, letters, and much more.
Game nights are on the third Monday of each month, beginning at 6:00pm with a covered dish meal attendees are asked to bring, followed by table games ending at 8:00pm.
Homebound Ministry - maintains regular contact with those who cannot attend Bible studies, worship services, and other activities to minister in Jesus name.
Visitation/Contacts - Visits are made on a regular basis, and remembrances are sent on special days, such as birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc. Needs are identified and reported to the Senior Adult Minister. Meals are prepared and delivered to homebound members on special occasions. Special remembrances are delivered during the Christmas season.
Ministry Opportunities
Monday Morning Ministry - Volunteers who meet at the church each Monday at 8:00am and perform, as needs arise, such as various maintenance tasks around the church. They also assist those in need of wheelchairs ramps, moving, home maintenance, and various other needs. If you have a need of this area, or would like to volunteer in our Monday Morning Ministry, please call the church office.
If you are interested in becoming involved in our Senior Adult Ministry, or have any questions, please contact Pastor Jeff Keeman at 850.243.3163, extension 205.