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What is a D-Group?
  1. A D-Group is a closed, gender-specific group of 3 to 5 people including the leader.
  2. A D-Group is focused on discipleship, it’s not a Bible Study. 
  3. A D-Group meets once a week, either at a house, a church, or another location.
  4. D-Groups should start meetings with prayer, sharing their HEAR journal, going over the memory verse, and accountability.  Attendance should always be emphasized.
If it's not a Bible Study, what do we do?
In a D Group, you focus on personal discipleship between the leader and the members of the group. You focus on prayer, memorization, and accountability as you live out your Christian life.  
How do I join a D Group?
Fill out the form on this page!  If you know the D Group you want to join, put the leader.  If you are the leader, put yourself!  If you haven’t found one yet, and want to be assigned to one, just leave the leader portion blank and we will contact you. 

What if a D Group has already started and I want to join?
Unless a leader has asked you to join a class, you can fill out the form and just mention that you want the next available D Group.  We will be starting new groups every quarter, so you won't have to wait long.  
Can a D Group be co-ed, or are they gender specific?
Each group is comprised of all men or all women.  Because of accountability and encouragement issues that arise in personal discipleship, closed-gender D Groups are the best possible format.  

How do I start a D-Group?
Talk to one of our pastors about the next steps to take in starting a group.  We have books and training available to help equip you to lead a group.

How often should we meet?
You should meet weekly so that accountability and expectations are kept.  If you must break for holiday or a busy schedule, please start back the meetings as soon as possible, or get a group member to fill in as leader for a week (which is good practice!)

How long should we meet and what should our meetings look like?
They can look something like this:
  • Start with Prayer Requests (10 minutes, change prayer each week)
  • Share HEAR Journal (30 minutes)
  • Memory Verse (5 minutes)
  • Accountability (15 minutes)

What if a problem arises and I need help?
Email Josh at and we will work through it!




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