Sharing and Caring
Food pantry for homeless & low income individuals - donations/volunteers always needed. Call 244-0778 or click here for more information.
Children in Crisis
Operates children's neighborhood to provide housing and hope for abused, abandoned, and neglected children with a primary goal of keeping siblings together. The neighborhood includes 4 resident houses, an emergency shelter, a group home, and 2 residences for teens in transition from foster care. Food for the pantry and yard work service always needed. Call 864-4242 or click here for more information.
Shelter House
Agency for domestic violence victims. Provides shelter, counseling, legal assistance, protection. They also offer transitional housing for qualified victims on a two year recovery plan. Donations of used cell phones and housewarming packages are needed. Call 243-1201 or visit www.shelterhousenwfl.org
Backpack Meal Program
Pack and deliver weekend meals for school children in need. Operated in conjunction with the Food for Thought network of sponsoring churches and organizations. Volunteers for packing meals once a month and delivering food weekly are needed. Please contact the church (243-3163) for additional information or to volunteer. Our 2018 - 2019 program provided for more than 80 students at Bruner Middle School and your support is greatly appreciated!
Farm Day
Farm Day 2021 details will be posted when confirmed.
Live Nativity
Live Nativity 2021 was a huge success and we could not have done it with out the help and support of many people. Thank you to everyone that took part and made the Live Nativity happen! We had over 4000 visitors!
Prayer and Parenting
Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. This is a time for parents to share things they are dealing with and pray for each other. Childcare is provided - perfect for those seeking to make some Christian friends that are also trying to raise godly children.
International English School
Learn or teach english as a second language. Teaching certification is not necessary to volunteer.
SewLoveFWB has met daily since March 23, 2020, Monday-Friday, 10:30-4:30. We are presently meeting in room B-17 at FBC FWB.
Opportunity Place
Provides temporary shelter and food for single women and families. Twelve family units are available with four common areas for children's playtime and adult support. The primary building houses offices, a kitchen/dinging area, and multi purpose room for client meetings, classes, counseling, and interviews. Donations always needed. Call 659-3190/409-3070 or click here for their facebook page.
Fresh Start
Provides transitional housing for families and women with priority being given to families as part of a 9 month program. Single men with custody of their children may also be eligible. Emergency shelter is not a part of this program. A supporting thrift store called Repeat Street is located on Beal Parkway. Volunteer opportunities include answering the phone and help in the office 1 day a week (T or W) for 5 hours (9-2), as well as help at the thrift store. Call Maryann Helfrich at 243-5648 or visit their website by clicking here.